Report IssueZyfi is a Paymaster-as-a-Service focused on flexibility and ease of integration. It was created as a way to accelerate payer adoption into the zkSync ecosystem. DApps can either ask their users to pay for any ERC-20 traded on zkSync, or decide to sponsor some or all of the gas cost of the transaction using their own logic.
Blockchain Service
Fundraising Statistics
Brilliance Ventures Tier 3
ZBS Capital Tier 3
Alpha Praetorian Capital --
Short Review Zyfi
Crypto project Zyfi is classified as a Blockchain Service. Zyfi is a Utility token that is hosted on the zkSync Network.
Important! All information including our Interest Level rating, is provided merely for informational purposes. Back2Crypto.com does not provide investment advice.
Total amount of funds raised by the Zyfi project is $2.00 M.
Zyfi Investors
Brilliance Ventures Tier 3
ZBS Capital Tier 3
Alpha Praetorian Capital --
Everstake Capital --
Majinx Capital --