SubQuery SQT
Report IssueFundraising Statistics
Arrington XRP (Arrington Ca... Tier 2
BitScale Capital Tier 2
Digital Currency Group (DCG... Tier 2
Short Review SubQuery
Crypto project SubQuery (SQT) is classified as a Blockchain Service. SubQuery is a Utility token that is hosted on the Ethereum Network. The current total supply is 1.00 B SQT (Circulating Supply + Tokens yet to be released - Burned Tokens).
SubQuery ICO Overview
Public sale of tokens will take place on the Tokensoft Launchpad. Estimated date for the public token sale: 8 January 2024. SubQuery (SQT) price during the token sale: 0.1 USD.
SQT Price Chart
Important! All information including our Interest Level rating, is provided merely for informational purposes. does not provide investment advice.
Total sold 3.12 B tokens (31.20% of total tokens). Total amount of funds raised by the SubQuery project is $10.80 M.
SubQuery Investors
Arrington XRP (Arrington Capital) Tier 2
BitScale Capital Tier 2
Digital Currency Group (DCG) Tier 2
Hypersphere Ventures Tier 2
Node Capital Tier 2
TRGC Tier 2
The Lao Tier 2
gumi Cryptos Capital Tier 2
NGC Ventures (NEO Global Capital) Tier 3 (previously --