Moon App APP
Report IssueMoon App operates in the DeFi trading market, where protocols typically do not hold user funds. However, Moon App offers benefits of automation and tools that other trading protocols do not, making the onboarding process much easier for new users.
Fundraising Statistics
$0 -11.07%

Short Review Moon App
Crypto project Moon App (APP) is classified as a Launchpad. Moon App is a Utility token that is hosted on the Injectiv Network. The current total supply is 3.00 B APP (Circulating Supply + Tokens yet to be released - Burned Tokens).
Moon App ICO Overview
Estimated date for the public token sale: 11 January 2024. Moon App (APP) price during the token sale: 0.0067 USD.
APP Price Chart
The launch of APP token trading took place on 12 January 2024.
Total sold 298.51 M tokens (9.95% of total tokens). Total amount of funds raised by the Moon App project is $2.00 M.