Sentiment Neutral
Short Review ICON
Crypto project ICON (ICX) is classified as a Blockchain. ICON is a Utility token that is hosted on the Ethereum Network. The current total supply is 400,230,000 (Circulating Supply + Tokens yet to be released - Burned Tokens). (50.00% of total tokens) have been allocated for the public sale. The level of social activity of the ICON project is assessed as High.
ICON ICO Overview
Estimated date for the public token sale: 19 September 2017. (ICX) Min/Max Personal Cap: 0.01 ETH / 30 ETH. You can purchase project tokens for ETH
Residents of the following countries will not be able to participate in the public sale of tokens: China SINGAPORE USA
ICX Price Chart
The launch of ICX token trading took place on 27 October 2017.
Detailed review of Icon
Icon is a cryptocurrency created for the blockchain Icon. This is a project of a system that unites different blockchains into one network. The main goal of the project is to create a direct payment system based on ICX. This system will allow people to pay for goods and services provided by Icon network partners. Icon's ambitious goal is to connect all activities in the country through its blockchain system. It has an open-source ecosystem that allows some organizations, such as hospitals, universities, and other institutions, to interact without third-party services that may charge transaction fees or delay the process.
Project Icon (ICX)
The icon was developed by the Korean company The Loop. The loop's engineering team began research in June 2015. It is a joint venture between DAYLI and three Korean universities. The team consists of many experts in the field of blockchain development. In addition, it includes experienced marketers and financiers. The developers of the Icon project were not the first who decided to create a system that unites different blockchains. The Ethereum platform team was the first to work in this direction. It should be noted that this project is carried out by people familiar with blockchain technology. Icon is a project of Dayli Financial Group (one of the largest cryptocurrency companies).
Advantages of Icon (ICX)
- Possibility of quick exchange.
- Developed system of decentralized management. b>Which is organized through collective decision-making.
- Fast processing of information.
- Contacts have been established with an official representative of the authorities. li>
Disadvantages of Icon (ICX)
- The infrastructure around this project is poorly developed.
- Problems are possible with the integration of the Icon system and other similar crypto projects. These troubles may arise due to the imperfection of cryptocurrency software algorithms.