Report IssueFhenix is a blockchain based on homomorphic encryption that allows computation on encrypted data in EVM smart contracts.
Fundraising Statistics
Multicoin Capital Tier 1
Node Capital Tier 2
Robot Ventures Tier 2
Short Review Fhenix
Crypto project Fhenix is classified as a Infrastructure. Fhenix is a Utility token that is hosted on the Ethereum Network.
Important! All information including our Interest Level rating, is provided merely for informational purposes. Back2Crypto.com does not provide investment advice.
Total amount of funds raised by the Fhenix project is $22.00 M.
Fhenix Investors
Multicoin Capital Tier 1
Node Capital Tier 2
Robot Ventures Tier 2
Bankless --
Collider Ventures --
Hack VC --
Metaplanet Holdings --
Primitive Ventures --
Stake Capital --
Tané --